The liberal radio network Air America has finally gone under. No more stealing the airwaves from minority radio stations, no more liberal blather clogging up the AM dial.
Being from Bakersfield, CA (where we didn't have a local Air America affiliate), I never did get many chances to tune in to Air America, but when I was able, I never was impressed. First off, when the two biggest names on the network both got their starts as (bad) comedians on Saturday Night Live, you have to figure that the stage is set for dismal failure. Every time I tuned in (and I was able to catch both Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo's programs), the basic argument was: "Here's what Republican so-and-so said. [Sound byte plays, usually taken out of context.] Man, that's just stupid! Can you believe that?" Logic never entered into the equation...and neither did sufficient advertising revenue, apparently.
Now all we need is for Congress to bring back the Fairness Doctrine - then the liberals won't need to compete in the marketplace in order to bring lame talk radio to airwaves that no one will ever listen to.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010
Is Health Care Dead?
We can only hope that the election of Scott Brown to the US Senate will be the end to the Democrats' plans to take over the health care system. Nancy Pelosi is now saying that she does not have enough votes in the House to get approval for the Senate's version of the bill.
This is definitely a good thing. Brown's election effectively breaks the Dem's super-majority in the Senate, and if Pelosi can't get the votes she needs in the House, the progressive socialists in Congress will either have to compromise, or just give up altogether (preferably the latter).
Conservatives should remain vigilant, though: the fight is not over yet. Scott Brown's election wasn't a victory for conservatives, it was a defeat for the progressives. We still have a long way to go - Barney Frank has already brought up the possibility of doing away with the Filibuster (a measure he would undoubtedly want to bring back as soon as his party was out of the majority), and the Dems have shown quite a willingness to change Congressional rules as they see fit.
On top of that, this election has greater ramifications. The Democrats have lost "Ted Kennedy's Seat." This is going to cause some major strategy shifts, possibly even to the point that they will shelve health care reform and other parts of the liberal agenda until after the midterm elections. That way, if they are able to ride out the midterms and maintain (or increase) their majority, they can begin anew with their manufactured crises and push toward the U.S.S.A.
After all, there is still a lot of stimulus money out there that hasn't been spent yet. They're all set to bribe as many Americans as they can as the midterm elections approach. Conservatives can breathe a small sigh of relief, but don't get complacent. There's a hard fight ahead.
This is definitely a good thing. Brown's election effectively breaks the Dem's super-majority in the Senate, and if Pelosi can't get the votes she needs in the House, the progressive socialists in Congress will either have to compromise, or just give up altogether (preferably the latter).
Conservatives should remain vigilant, though: the fight is not over yet. Scott Brown's election wasn't a victory for conservatives, it was a defeat for the progressives. We still have a long way to go - Barney Frank has already brought up the possibility of doing away with the Filibuster (a measure he would undoubtedly want to bring back as soon as his party was out of the majority), and the Dems have shown quite a willingness to change Congressional rules as they see fit.
On top of that, this election has greater ramifications. The Democrats have lost "Ted Kennedy's Seat." This is going to cause some major strategy shifts, possibly even to the point that they will shelve health care reform and other parts of the liberal agenda until after the midterm elections. That way, if they are able to ride out the midterms and maintain (or increase) their majority, they can begin anew with their manufactured crises and push toward the U.S.S.A.
After all, there is still a lot of stimulus money out there that hasn't been spent yet. They're all set to bribe as many Americans as they can as the midterm elections approach. Conservatives can breathe a small sigh of relief, but don't get complacent. There's a hard fight ahead.
Monday, January 18, 2010
International Politics: The Kids Are Bickering Again
Haiti has been devastated. Almost as quickly as the earthquake destroyed the island nation, countries across the globe mobilized to help the Haitian people. With so much devastation, it's difficult to keep chaos from taking over. With so many nations and organizations trying to get relief workers and supplies into the country, the limited infrastructure has put a damper on the relief effort...and apparently, it has led to some short tempers.
The French minister in charge of humanitarian relief has accused the US of "occupying" Haiti, claiming that the US military is hampering relief efforts.
Because there is basically only one functioning airport in Port-au-Prince, the French apparently got their toes stepped on when one of their relief planes was turned back (the plane was able to land the following day).
This is what liberals in the US don't get: we're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't. Americans give generously whenever there is a natural disaster, but the "global community" will never give us any credit for it.
What Haiti needs right now is order. The nation has (literally) fallen apart, people are dying, and relief cannot get out to the people quickly enough. Moreover, as tends to happen when tragedy strikes, there are scumbags out there who will loot and take every opportunity they can to get whatever they can.
Haiti will come back from this tragedy, one way or another, but right now, it is of utmost importance that order be restored. Personally, I see no problem with the US occupying Haiti, at least until the Haitian government can see to the nation's security needs. The US military has a major presence in Haiti, and who better to ensure security? When people are rioting and UN troops have to use rubber bullets to disperse crowds, a little security goes a long way.
The French need to get over themselves and realize that in a chaotic disaster zone, flexibility is the key...and someone has to be in control. As it turns out, that someone is the US military, an organization that is exceptionally good at the mission of providing relief (for an organization whose job is to blow things up and kill America's enemies, that is).
The left and the right in the US have been playing their own political games around this disaster; now it seems that politicizing natural disasters is a global game. Yipee.
Because there is basically only one functioning airport in Port-au-Prince, the French apparently got their toes stepped on when one of their relief planes was turned back (the plane was able to land the following day).
This is what liberals in the US don't get: we're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't. Americans give generously whenever there is a natural disaster, but the "global community" will never give us any credit for it.
What Haiti needs right now is order. The nation has (literally) fallen apart, people are dying, and relief cannot get out to the people quickly enough. Moreover, as tends to happen when tragedy strikes, there are scumbags out there who will loot and take every opportunity they can to get whatever they can.
Haiti will come back from this tragedy, one way or another, but right now, it is of utmost importance that order be restored. Personally, I see no problem with the US occupying Haiti, at least until the Haitian government can see to the nation's security needs. The US military has a major presence in Haiti, and who better to ensure security? When people are rioting and UN troops have to use rubber bullets to disperse crowds, a little security goes a long way.
The French need to get over themselves and realize that in a chaotic disaster zone, flexibility is the key...and someone has to be in control. As it turns out, that someone is the US military, an organization that is exceptionally good at the mission of providing relief (for an organization whose job is to blow things up and kill America's enemies, that is).
The left and the right in the US have been playing their own political games around this disaster; now it seems that politicizing natural disasters is a global game. Yipee.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Is There Anyone Obama Won't Bribe?
President Obama met with union leaders on Friday, where he agreed to exempt them from the so-called "Cadillac tax" on high-value insurance plans.
Of course, the first question should be how, exactly, the Cadillac tax makes any sense at all. If the entire purpose of health care reform is to make sure that all Americans have access to affordable health insurance, how does it make sense to tax people and employers who have high-quality insurance plans? One of my favorite quotes comes from Winston Churchill, when he said, "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
If the goal of health care reform were simply to ensure that all Americans can be insured, there would be no reason to tax "Cadillac" insurance plans - the people with high-value insurance plans are insured, so leave them alone! The government, however, doesn't seem to know the meaning of the phrase "leave them alone." The government meddles, and because they can't leave well enough alone (and the government can't afford to cover all Americans), they have to tax whatever they can.
What the Cadillac tax means over the long run is that people with high-value health insurance will no longer have high-value health insurance. The 40% excise tax will make high-value health insurance unaffordable, forcing people and companies to settle for health insurance that offers less coverage.
Now bring in the unions, who negotiated high-value health insurance for the workers they represent. The unions have to cover pensions for their members, and they have to cover their health plans. With the 40% tax in Obamacare, the labor unions won't be able to afford those insurance plans - but they're written into the union contracts. They would either have to renegotiate the contracts so union members get lower-grade health insurance, or the unions would simply go bankrupt.
Enter the Obama political machine.
The Democrats depend on labor unions to maintain their power base. Millions of dollars pour in from labor unions into liberal politicians' campaign coffers every election of course Obama isn't going to let his union friends down. Instead of making the law apply uniformly, the health care bill (if passed) will exempt labor unions from the Cadillac tax.
This is bulls**t. Obama pledged openness and honesty, but all we get are backroom deals, bribes, and kickbacks to Democrat political allies. He promised bipartisanship, but all we get is hard-core liberal socialism. And they're going to keep pushing and pushing right up until the voters take away their power - and it's possible that even that won't stop them.
Of course, the first question should be how, exactly, the Cadillac tax makes any sense at all. If the entire purpose of health care reform is to make sure that all Americans have access to affordable health insurance, how does it make sense to tax people and employers who have high-quality insurance plans? One of my favorite quotes comes from Winston Churchill, when he said, "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
If the goal of health care reform were simply to ensure that all Americans can be insured, there would be no reason to tax "Cadillac" insurance plans - the people with high-value insurance plans are insured, so leave them alone! The government, however, doesn't seem to know the meaning of the phrase "leave them alone." The government meddles, and because they can't leave well enough alone (and the government can't afford to cover all Americans), they have to tax whatever they can.
What the Cadillac tax means over the long run is that people with high-value health insurance will no longer have high-value health insurance. The 40% excise tax will make high-value health insurance unaffordable, forcing people and companies to settle for health insurance that offers less coverage.
Now bring in the unions, who negotiated high-value health insurance for the workers they represent. The unions have to cover pensions for their members, and they have to cover their health plans. With the 40% tax in Obamacare, the labor unions won't be able to afford those insurance plans - but they're written into the union contracts. They would either have to renegotiate the contracts so union members get lower-grade health insurance, or the unions would simply go bankrupt.
Enter the Obama political machine.
The Democrats depend on labor unions to maintain their power base. Millions of dollars pour in from labor unions into liberal politicians' campaign coffers every election of course Obama isn't going to let his union friends down. Instead of making the law apply uniformly, the health care bill (if passed) will exempt labor unions from the Cadillac tax.
This is bulls**t. Obama pledged openness and honesty, but all we get are backroom deals, bribes, and kickbacks to Democrat political allies. He promised bipartisanship, but all we get is hard-core liberal socialism. And they're going to keep pushing and pushing right up until the voters take away their power - and it's possible that even that won't stop them.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Glover: Haiti is Retribution for Copenhagen
According to Danny Glover, the earthquake in Haiti is a direct result of world governments not taking enough action to stop global warming in Copenhagen.
In other words, Danny Glover is just as crazy as Pat Robertson...but because he's talking about global warming, he undoubtedly won't get the kind of bad press that Robertson has gotten over the past few days.
This makes me curious as to what the "carbon footprint" of Haiti is. Haiti is a poor third-world nation - that's the biggest reason the devastation there is as bad as it is. And as a poor third-world nation, they undoubtedly produce less pollution than more developed if Mother Earth was pissed off at the world because we didn't do enough at the laughable Copenhagen "global warming in a snowstorm" summit, why respond with an earthquake in Haiti? Why not in a bigger polluter such as the US or China or some other developed nation?
The truth is, Glover is a kook...he was good in Lethal Weapon, but when it comes to his political views, he's a typical Hollywood leftist communist-sympathizing wacko.
In other words, Danny Glover is just as crazy as Pat Robertson...but because he's talking about global warming, he undoubtedly won't get the kind of bad press that Robertson has gotten over the past few days.
This makes me curious as to what the "carbon footprint" of Haiti is. Haiti is a poor third-world nation - that's the biggest reason the devastation there is as bad as it is. And as a poor third-world nation, they undoubtedly produce less pollution than more developed if Mother Earth was pissed off at the world because we didn't do enough at the laughable Copenhagen "global warming in a snowstorm" summit, why respond with an earthquake in Haiti? Why not in a bigger polluter such as the US or China or some other developed nation?
The truth is, Glover is a kook...he was good in Lethal Weapon, but when it comes to his political views, he's a typical Hollywood leftist communist-sympathizing wacko.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Greening California To Death
California has long been a leader in the environmentalist/global warming movement, often to its own detriment. While it's true that California has its share of environmental problems (some of America's most polluted cities are in California - I know, I live in one), California's politicians are setting the state up for failure.
Due to California's environmental movement, forests cannot be cleared of underbrush, which regularly results in out-of-control wildfires nearly every summer (which inevitably lead to mudslides nearly every winter). Due to the environmental movement, pumps that provide the state's agriculture center with badly-needed water have been shut down to protect the Delta smelt, a fish that lives in the Sacramento Delta. This has cost California hundreds of jobs. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulates the trucking industry, driving up the costs for any companies that rely on trucking to get their products from place to place, which in turn drive prices up for consumers.
The latest travesty in Californian environmental regulations is a plan to adopt a "green" building code, which no doubt will make it more difficult and more expensive for home builders to build houses and businesses to expand. This is just what California needs: yet another regulation that will hurt businesses and drive up costs for consumers.
In a down economy, in a state that is worse off than most of the rest of the nation, more regulations are just what we need. This is why liberalism doesn't work (by the way, Arnold may have run as a Republican, but he's never been anything approaching conservative). It doesn't matter how bad the economy is, the government isn't going to stop spending, taxing and regulating until it's too late to fix the problem - and for California, "too late" is approaching fast. For California, the only difference between Arnold Schwartzenegger and Gray Davis is how quickly the state goes bankrupt.
Due to California's environmental movement, forests cannot be cleared of underbrush, which regularly results in out-of-control wildfires nearly every summer (which inevitably lead to mudslides nearly every winter). Due to the environmental movement, pumps that provide the state's agriculture center with badly-needed water have been shut down to protect the Delta smelt, a fish that lives in the Sacramento Delta. This has cost California hundreds of jobs. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulates the trucking industry, driving up the costs for any companies that rely on trucking to get their products from place to place, which in turn drive prices up for consumers.
In a down economy, in a state that is worse off than most of the rest of the nation, more regulations are just what we need. This is why liberalism doesn't work (by the way, Arnold may have run as a Republican, but he's never been anything approaching conservative). It doesn't matter how bad the economy is, the government isn't going to stop spending, taxing and regulating until it's too late to fix the problem - and for California, "too late" is approaching fast. For California, the only difference between Arnold Schwartzenegger and Gray Davis is how quickly the state goes bankrupt.
Who's The Bigger Racist? Who Cares!
It was revealed this week that Harry Reid made a choice comment about Barack Obama back in 2008 during the Democrat primary.
Reid described Obama as a "light-skinned" African American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
Republicans immediately went on the attack, dredging up the Trent Lott fiasco of 2002. Reid immediately apologized. The Democrats immediately absolved Reid of his sins. The Republicans kept on whining.
This whole "scandal" is a sham. The Democrats didn't attack Trent Lott in 2002 because they thought he was a racist. They attacked him because he made a comment they could exploit for their own political purposes - and it was no surprise, really. Democrats just love to throw around the race card, and inevitably, the Republicans then wait for their opportunity to throw it back. The problem for the Republicans is that the Democrats' PR machine has been much more effective at branding Republicans as racists, which means that Republicans' attempts to play the race card typically end up coming off as clumsy and stupid.
The big issue is consistency. When Trent Lott made his comments, the Democrats and the media went into an uproar, demanding that Lott apologize. After he apologized, the Democrats and the media demanded that he resign from his leadership position. Lott apologized again...and again...and again...and even went on the cable network BET to apologize yet again...but it was to no avail. He finally bowed to the media pressure and resigned his leadership position.
When Reid's comments came to light, he immediately apologized, and that apology was immediately accepted by Obama, the Democrats, and the media at large (with the exception of conservative talk radio and possibly FOX News).
Personally, I care as much about what Reid said as I did about what Lott said, which is to say that I don't give a damn!!! The Democrats will always play the race card first, because it is one of the few strategies they have that actually works (some of the time) when they can't argue logically about the issues (which is most of the time). When Republicans start going on about the Democrats' double-standard, they just end up making themselves look stupid. They look stupid to Democrats because the Dems don't care about their opinions anyway, and they look stupid to conservatives because we're smart enough to know that the Dems don't care and aren't going to change...and there's no chance in hell that Harry Reid is giving up his power until either he dies, or the Democrat political machine decides he's no longer useful and offers him some sweetheart retirement deal. Should the Democrats be consistent? Yes, they should. If Lott's comments were bad enough that he disqualified himself from leadership, then Reid should step down, as well. But instead of bloviating about it until the public is sick of hearing about it, Republicans should voice their opinions for one day, and then start working on ads for the election...because honestly, no matter how offended the Republicans act, the vast majority of voters won't remember this incident come election day.
Reid described Obama as a "light-skinned" African American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
Republicans immediately went on the attack, dredging up the Trent Lott fiasco of 2002. Reid immediately apologized. The Democrats immediately absolved Reid of his sins. The Republicans kept on whining.
This whole "scandal" is a sham. The Democrats didn't attack Trent Lott in 2002 because they thought he was a racist. They attacked him because he made a comment they could exploit for their own political purposes - and it was no surprise, really. Democrats just love to throw around the race card, and inevitably, the Republicans then wait for their opportunity to throw it back. The problem for the Republicans is that the Democrats' PR machine has been much more effective at branding Republicans as racists, which means that Republicans' attempts to play the race card typically end up coming off as clumsy and stupid.
The big issue is consistency. When Trent Lott made his comments, the Democrats and the media went into an uproar, demanding that Lott apologize. After he apologized, the Democrats and the media demanded that he resign from his leadership position. Lott apologized again...and again...and again...and even went on the cable network BET to apologize yet again...but it was to no avail. He finally bowed to the media pressure and resigned his leadership position.
When Reid's comments came to light, he immediately apologized, and that apology was immediately accepted by Obama, the Democrats, and the media at large (with the exception of conservative talk radio and possibly FOX News).
Personally, I care as much about what Reid said as I did about what Lott said, which is to say that I don't give a damn!!! The Democrats will always play the race card first, because it is one of the few strategies they have that actually works (some of the time) when they can't argue logically about the issues (which is most of the time). When Republicans start going on about the Democrats' double-standard, they just end up making themselves look stupid. They look stupid to Democrats because the Dems don't care about their opinions anyway, and they look stupid to conservatives because we're smart enough to know that the Dems don't care and aren't going to change...and there's no chance in hell that Harry Reid is giving up his power until either he dies, or the Democrat political machine decides he's no longer useful and offers him some sweetheart retirement deal. Should the Democrats be consistent? Yes, they should. If Lott's comments were bad enough that he disqualified himself from leadership, then Reid should step down, as well. But instead of bloviating about it until the public is sick of hearing about it, Republicans should voice their opinions for one day, and then start working on ads for the election...because honestly, no matter how offended the Republicans act, the vast majority of voters won't remember this incident come election day.
Monday, January 11, 2010
China is the new America
It looks like China is set to become the next major world power...not like this hasn't been a long time coming.
Three reports in the same day:
China becomes the biggest auto exporter.
China becomes the biggest auto market.
China becomes the leader in banking.
The world is changing, and America's fall from grace is primarily our own fault. Our nation has sold its soul (mostly to China), taking on more and more debt, all the while increasing spending. What's more, federal and state regulations have made it much too easy for the US economy to shift from manufacturing to service, meaning that the USA has to rely more and more on imports.
Our leaders would do well to read The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. There are important lessons to be learned from that book about what happens to nations when they become decadent and weak. We may not have barbarian hordes raiding our borders, but the foundation of America is getting weaker and weaker. Our leaders are trashing our financial system, which in many ways is the cornerstone of our power. There are plenty of nations out there that would jump at the chance to displace the United States as the world's greatest superpower, and now that America is in decline, the vultures are circling.
Three reports in the same day:
China becomes the biggest auto exporter.
China becomes the biggest auto market.
China becomes the leader in banking.
The world is changing, and America's fall from grace is primarily our own fault. Our nation has sold its soul (mostly to China), taking on more and more debt, all the while increasing spending. What's more, federal and state regulations have made it much too easy for the US economy to shift from manufacturing to service, meaning that the USA has to rely more and more on imports.
Our leaders would do well to read The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. There are important lessons to be learned from that book about what happens to nations when they become decadent and weak. We may not have barbarian hordes raiding our borders, but the foundation of America is getting weaker and weaker. Our leaders are trashing our financial system, which in many ways is the cornerstone of our power. There are plenty of nations out there that would jump at the chance to displace the United States as the world's greatest superpower, and now that America is in decline, the vultures are circling.
Friday, January 08, 2010
The Most Un-Stimulating Stimulus Ever
Where are the jobs? When President Obama pushed through his massive pork bill disguised as an economic stimulus package, his administration projected that the stimulus would hold unemployment below 9%.
Well, the unemployment rate is still 10%. It was reported as great news when a 0.2% drop was registered in November...but now that the December jobless numbers are out, the rate has not changed.
This is very significant, due to the fact that usually, people who have a hard time finding jobs the rest of the year can at least find temporary seasonal employment during the month of December. But Obama's stimulus package hasn't stimulated anything other than US government debt.
When will Obama declare his stimulus plan a failure? Where is the exit strategy? We've already seen the scam behind the Obama administration's "jobs saved and created" claims, with saved and created jobs being attributed money spent in nonexistent Congressional districts. Now it's coming out that stimulus money is being sent to zip codes that don't exist! The whole thing sounds like some kind of bizarre government-run money laundering scam...and the sad thing is, that's probably exactly what it is.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is not going to help the US economy recover. If it were, it would have by now. The jobs that it has created are temporary (all of those "shovel-ready" projects won't keep people employed over the long term). The whole thing is a sham - an attempt by the Democrats to make themselves look good. In fact, they haven't even spent all of the money yet. They're holding a bunch of the money in reserve, so they can start spending closer to the mid-term elections in an attempt to make themselves look good.
Well, the unemployment rate is still 10%. It was reported as great news when a 0.2% drop was registered in November...but now that the December jobless numbers are out, the rate has not changed.
This is very significant, due to the fact that usually, people who have a hard time finding jobs the rest of the year can at least find temporary seasonal employment during the month of December. But Obama's stimulus package hasn't stimulated anything other than US government debt.
When will Obama declare his stimulus plan a failure? Where is the exit strategy? We've already seen the scam behind the Obama administration's "jobs saved and created" claims, with saved and created jobs being attributed money spent in nonexistent Congressional districts. Now it's coming out that stimulus money is being sent to zip codes that don't exist! The whole thing sounds like some kind of bizarre government-run money laundering scam...and the sad thing is, that's probably exactly what it is.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is not going to help the US economy recover. If it were, it would have by now. The jobs that it has created are temporary (all of those "shovel-ready" projects won't keep people employed over the long term). The whole thing is a sham - an attempt by the Democrats to make themselves look good. In fact, they haven't even spent all of the money yet. They're holding a bunch of the money in reserve, so they can start spending closer to the mid-term elections in an attempt to make themselves look good.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
There's Nothing To See Here...
C-SPAN-gate continues...
The CEO of C-SPAN has now stated that the White House has only allowed a single hour of coverage for their portion of the health care takeover...and that was an event in the East Room that didn't contain a whole lot of substance.
The problem is that even if the White House and congressional leadership agreed to one hour per day of C-SPAN coverage, taxpayers could only rest assured that the Obama administration and congressional leadership weren't selling out our freedoms and bribing congressmen for votes...for that one hour. Seeing as how Obama and congressional leaders have decided to bypass the traditional committee hearings to reconcile the House and Senate bills in favor of private closed-door meetings, it is abundantly clear that the American people have much to fear from the Obama administration and the Democratic congressional leadership.
As I stated yesterday, the Democrats know beyond the shadow of a doubt that if they were to truly make this process transparent, it would destroy their party. If the American people were able to see what they were doing, no American capable of thought would vote for a Democrat ever again.
Hopefully enough people will wake up and smell the BS that the Democrats are flinging that we can throw the bums out in November.
The CEO of C-SPAN has now stated that the White House has only allowed a single hour of coverage for their portion of the health care takeover...and that was an event in the East Room that didn't contain a whole lot of substance.
The problem is that even if the White House and congressional leadership agreed to one hour per day of C-SPAN coverage, taxpayers could only rest assured that the Obama administration and congressional leadership weren't selling out our freedoms and bribing congressmen for votes...for that one hour. Seeing as how Obama and congressional leaders have decided to bypass the traditional committee hearings to reconcile the House and Senate bills in favor of private closed-door meetings, it is abundantly clear that the American people have much to fear from the Obama administration and the Democratic congressional leadership.
As I stated yesterday, the Democrats know beyond the shadow of a doubt that if they were to truly make this process transparent, it would destroy their party. If the American people were able to see what they were doing, no American capable of thought would vote for a Democrat ever again.
Hopefully enough people will wake up and smell the BS that the Democrats are flinging that we can throw the bums out in November.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
They're All Liars
It is now officially on the record: when the Democrats took power, they did so based on lies. When Nancy Pelosi became the Speaker of the House, she promised that hers would be the most open, transparent Congress in history. When President Obama was campaigning, he promised that the process to push through health care reform would be carried live on C-SPAN.
As it turns out, they were both lying.
The head of C-SPAN sent an open letter to congressional leaders yesterday urging them to open up the health care negotiations and let the C-SPAN cameras televise the proceedings. Obama promised as much during his campaign...but when Nancy Pelosi was asked about the letter, she lied, saying "There has never been a more open process for any legislation." Her evidence: the town hall meetings that took place in August...the very town hall meetings where thousands upon thousands of Americans showed up to voice opposition to the health care take-over. In fact, Pelosi was a driving force behind the liberals trying to minimize the people's voice at the town hall meetings, calling those in opposition frightening and implying that they were some kind of neo-Nazis. And that was right before they called Congress back into session and put an end to the town halls because the liberals were getting too much bad press.
Pelosi knows that no matter what she or President Obama may have promised, the Democrat Party cannot afford to open up the health care negotiations. The only way the health care bill passed in the Senate was through Democrat bribes (Ben Nelson) and hijacking the legislative process to shut down debate. If they were truly being open and honest, the response from the people would be so deafening and undeniable that no Congressman who wished to stay in office would vote for the bill. Pelosi knows that. Harry Reid knows that. Obama knows that. And all of them are willing to push the bill in through the shadows and under the radar because all they truly care about is getting as much of their progressive agenda pushed through before the midterm elections.
As it turns out, they were both lying.
The head of C-SPAN sent an open letter to congressional leaders yesterday urging them to open up the health care negotiations and let the C-SPAN cameras televise the proceedings. Obama promised as much during his campaign...but when Nancy Pelosi was asked about the letter, she lied, saying "There has never been a more open process for any legislation." Her evidence: the town hall meetings that took place in August...the very town hall meetings where thousands upon thousands of Americans showed up to voice opposition to the health care take-over. In fact, Pelosi was a driving force behind the liberals trying to minimize the people's voice at the town hall meetings, calling those in opposition frightening and implying that they were some kind of neo-Nazis. And that was right before they called Congress back into session and put an end to the town halls because the liberals were getting too much bad press.
Pelosi knows that no matter what she or President Obama may have promised, the Democrat Party cannot afford to open up the health care negotiations. The only way the health care bill passed in the Senate was through Democrat bribes (Ben Nelson) and hijacking the legislative process to shut down debate. If they were truly being open and honest, the response from the people would be so deafening and undeniable that no Congressman who wished to stay in office would vote for the bill. Pelosi knows that. Harry Reid knows that. Obama knows that. And all of them are willing to push the bill in through the shadows and under the radar because all they truly care about is getting as much of their progressive agenda pushed through before the midterm elections.
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