A study in contrast:
November 2009
A Muslim soldier had just opened fire on a US military base, killing 13 and wounding 32 others. When President Obama gets up to give his remarks on the incident, he spends the first couple of minutes giving a "shout out" and making other remarks about the event he had been attending before addressing the issue at hand in mild tones, offering condolences and promising that authorities would investigate & get to the bottom of the incident. Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano, in the Middle East at the time, expressed concerns about a violent backlash against innocent Muslims.
March 2010
Muslim suicide bombers blow themselves up on Moscow metro trains, killing 39. Russian Prime Minister Putin states "I am confident that law enforcement bodies will spare no effort to track down and punish the criminals. Terrorists will be destroyed," and later says "We know they are lying low, but it is already a matter of pride for the law enforcement agencies to drag them out of the sewer and into broad daylight."
Now, I know for a fact that I wouldn't want to live in a nation where the head honcho is a former KGB thug...but when America comes under terrorist attack, I would much rather hear what Vladimir Putin said coming from my president, rather than politically correct nonsense.
True Conservatism on WordPress
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Lies, More Lies, and Villians
Well, they've done it. The Democrats have lied, cheated, twisted arms, and bribed their way into passing their health care bill.
They accomplished this primarily through class warfare. When they weren't demonizing the evil insurance industry, they were demonizing the so-called rich who could afford health care, as well as demonizing those companies that paid top-dollar to provide their employees with top-of-the-line health insurance (the so-called "Cadillac" insurance plans, which are now being taxed - unless you're in a labor union).
Immediately after the bill was passed, the Democrats, with the aid of the mainstream media, began escalating the demonization of their political opponents.
Congressional Democrats have made accusations of racism, violence, and threats of violence, all with no proof.
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) stated that Tea-Partiers had shouted the N-word 15 times at the Congressional Black Caucus as they headed over to the Capitol for the vote. There were reporters and cameras all over the place, yet there is no video or audio to confirm this allegation.
Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH) alleged that a protester threw a brick through the window of his office in Cincinnati. The press breathlessly repeated the story, neglecting to mention the fact that his office is on the 30th floor of an office building. So, the person either had an extremely good arm, or went up 30 floors just to throw a brick through a window. Oddly enough, after the location of Driehaus' office was reported, the brick story mysteriously went away.
But the real issue is this: if some on the Right are moving closer to violence, it's probably because those on the Left are leaving them no other options. When conservatives protest, they're labeled as being too white, or "astroturf." When conservatives call liberal members of Congress, they are routinely insulted, told they are wrong, or the phones are just shut off so no one can get through. Poll after poll showed that around 70% of Americans disapproved of the health care bill, yet it has been passed and signed into law, despite protests, phone calls, petitions, letters, emails and town hall meetings.
Polling and elections have shown that the nation is pretty evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, but as the Democrats move the nation closer to being a socialist state, liberals are starting to see just what they've been a part of, and are moving more towards conservatism. Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress just gave more than half of the nation the middle finger. What did they expect would happen? That we would just go away & let them steamroll over our freedoms and values? I don't think so.
Any real violence or threats of violence so far have come from wackos on the right - and there are, without a doubt, wackos on both sides of the aisle & within any political group. But as the Democrats continue their transformation of our nation, subverting the rights of citizens and trying to set themselves up as the permanent ruling class, it would not surprise me if things begin to escalate.
The Democrats are playing with fire. They are subverting our freedoms and telling the American people that their opinion does not matter. Meanwhile, with their push for "comprehensive immigration reform" and automatic voter registration, they are seeking to subvert our election process and establish a permanent power base for their party.
This is the stuff revolution is made of. There has already been talk of secession, and the possibility of civil war is starting to crop up. My fear is that the Democrats don't know what a dangerous game they are playing, and won't see the error of their ways until it is too late.
They accomplished this primarily through class warfare. When they weren't demonizing the evil insurance industry, they were demonizing the so-called rich who could afford health care, as well as demonizing those companies that paid top-dollar to provide their employees with top-of-the-line health insurance (the so-called "Cadillac" insurance plans, which are now being taxed - unless you're in a labor union).
Immediately after the bill was passed, the Democrats, with the aid of the mainstream media, began escalating the demonization of their political opponents.
Congressional Democrats have made accusations of racism, violence, and threats of violence, all with no proof.
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) stated that Tea-Partiers had shouted the N-word 15 times at the Congressional Black Caucus as they headed over to the Capitol for the vote. There were reporters and cameras all over the place, yet there is no video or audio to confirm this allegation.
Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH) alleged that a protester threw a brick through the window of his office in Cincinnati. The press breathlessly repeated the story, neglecting to mention the fact that his office is on the 30th floor of an office building. So, the person either had an extremely good arm, or went up 30 floors just to throw a brick through a window. Oddly enough, after the location of Driehaus' office was reported, the brick story mysteriously went away.
But the real issue is this: if some on the Right are moving closer to violence, it's probably because those on the Left are leaving them no other options. When conservatives protest, they're labeled as being too white, or "astroturf." When conservatives call liberal members of Congress, they are routinely insulted, told they are wrong, or the phones are just shut off so no one can get through. Poll after poll showed that around 70% of Americans disapproved of the health care bill, yet it has been passed and signed into law, despite protests, phone calls, petitions, letters, emails and town hall meetings.
Polling and elections have shown that the nation is pretty evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, but as the Democrats move the nation closer to being a socialist state, liberals are starting to see just what they've been a part of, and are moving more towards conservatism. Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress just gave more than half of the nation the middle finger. What did they expect would happen? That we would just go away & let them steamroll over our freedoms and values? I don't think so.
Any real violence or threats of violence so far have come from wackos on the right - and there are, without a doubt, wackos on both sides of the aisle & within any political group. But as the Democrats continue their transformation of our nation, subverting the rights of citizens and trying to set themselves up as the permanent ruling class, it would not surprise me if things begin to escalate.
The Democrats are playing with fire. They are subverting our freedoms and telling the American people that their opinion does not matter. Meanwhile, with their push for "comprehensive immigration reform" and automatic voter registration, they are seeking to subvert our election process and establish a permanent power base for their party.
This is the stuff revolution is made of. There has already been talk of secession, and the possibility of civil war is starting to crop up. My fear is that the Democrats don't know what a dangerous game they are playing, and won't see the error of their ways until it is too late.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Slippery Slope Is Here
It's official now: Obamacare is here. Well, not here necessarily. We get the taxes right now. The actual Obamacare won't kick in until about 2013 or so - probably so Obama can get away with saying he was telling the truth when he said we could keep our insurance plans and our doctors during his next presidential campaign.
As Joe Biden so eloquently put it, this is a big f***ing deal.
And it is. Never before has the federal government of the United States been so well positioned to control the lives of the American people.
The big question is, what's next? The movement to overturn Obamacare is already in full swing, with several different states filing suit claiming that the bill violates their sovereignty - which, under the 10th Amendment, it clearly does. But those appeals will take months, if not years to run their course. The only short-term good that could come from those cases is the possibility of an injunction barring the bill's implementation until the suits are resolved.
In the meantime, the Democrats are declaring victory and moving on, already preparing to push through the rest of the wish-list of progressive reforms they've been dreaming of but haven't had the votes to get through Congress.
Some of the most nefarious of these measures: National ID cards, which would increase the federal government's ability to track us and regulate our activities (mark of the beast, anyone?). "Comprehensive immigration reform," which, if supported by the American people, would have been passed during the Bush administration...but just like health care, the Democrats will not let this issue die. Automatic voter registration would do just what it says: automatically register every US citizen. Combine that with immigration reform, and the Democrats will have a massive new voter base...and if they can push it through before the midterm elections, they're almost guaranteed to maintain their power base indefinitely.
Now we see the real reason why it was so important that the Democrats push through health care reform as quickly as possible: for one thing, at the least they needed a platform on which they could build a national health care system (which several Democrat Congressmen have admitted the health care bill was). For another, they need to push through as much of their agenda as they can, so they can cement their power, turning Congressional Democrats into the new Politburo of the United Socialist States of America.
Taken one piece at a time, the Democrats' agenda doesn't look all that sinister, but when you look at the big picture, it's easy to see that they don't have America's best interests in mind. It's all about power and control, and it's coming our way as fast as the Democrats can ram it through.
As Joe Biden so eloquently put it, this is a big f***ing deal.
And it is. Never before has the federal government of the United States been so well positioned to control the lives of the American people.
The big question is, what's next? The movement to overturn Obamacare is already in full swing, with several different states filing suit claiming that the bill violates their sovereignty - which, under the 10th Amendment, it clearly does. But those appeals will take months, if not years to run their course. The only short-term good that could come from those cases is the possibility of an injunction barring the bill's implementation until the suits are resolved.
In the meantime, the Democrats are declaring victory and moving on, already preparing to push through the rest of the wish-list of progressive reforms they've been dreaming of but haven't had the votes to get through Congress.
Some of the most nefarious of these measures: National ID cards, which would increase the federal government's ability to track us and regulate our activities (mark of the beast, anyone?). "Comprehensive immigration reform," which, if supported by the American people, would have been passed during the Bush administration...but just like health care, the Democrats will not let this issue die. Automatic voter registration would do just what it says: automatically register every US citizen. Combine that with immigration reform, and the Democrats will have a massive new voter base...and if they can push it through before the midterm elections, they're almost guaranteed to maintain their power base indefinitely.

Taken one piece at a time, the Democrats' agenda doesn't look all that sinister, but when you look at the big picture, it's easy to see that they don't have America's best interests in mind. It's all about power and control, and it's coming our way as fast as the Democrats can ram it through.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Lies, Deceit, And Crimes
The push for the government takeover of health care continues. The Obama administration is trying to push Congress to pass the health care bill before the Easter recess, probably so that they won't have to worry about Senators and Congressmen going home to their districts and facing a barrage of local voters letting them know that voting for the health care bill will mean losing their elections in November.
And the political tricks continue. When it first looked like they didn't have the votes to pass the bill, Democratic leadership decided they would try the reconciliation process, doing away with the supermajority requirement. That process didn't work because no matter how hard they tried, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi couldn't convince their party members that if their side of Congress passed the bill, the other house wouldn't add some provision that they didn't support. So now, Pelosi is looking into an unConstitutional option that would pass the bill by default if a majority of Congressmen vote in favor of a package of amendments. This would be a direct violation of Article I, Section 7 of the US Constitution, but why should a little thing like the Supreme Law of the Land stop them?
What's more, Obama's lies are getting more and more absurd. A case he talked about yesterday in a speech turned out to be a lie - Natoma Canfield, who has cancer but no health insurance, is receiving free health care from the Cleveland Clinic via a charitable fund kept by the clinic.
Something else Obama said in Ohio yesterday, even more absurd than the Canfield story:
Got that? Vote for ObamaCare, and your employer's premiums would drop by an estimated 3,000 percent!
Here's what that means for me, personally: my boss pays 75 percent of my health insurance. My share comes out to around $30 per month, which makes the total premium about $120 per month for my health insurance. A 3,000 percent reduction in that premium would be $3,600. So what Obama is saying here is that, if ObamaCare passes, not only will I not have to pay for health care anymore, the insurance company will be paying me & my employer over $3,000 each month. Why would anyone ever believe this crap?
It also looks as though someone may have been dragged out of Obama's speech when they voiced opposition - which the president tried to cover by saying that he fainted (this is unconfirmed, but would not surprise me in the least).
Barack Obama is an idiot and a liar. The Democrats have lied & cheated throughout this entire process, and are now looking into criminal action in order to pass the health care takeover. It needs to stop, and it needs to stop now.

What's more, Obama's lies are getting more and more absurd. A case he talked about yesterday in a speech turned out to be a lie - Natoma Canfield, who has cancer but no health insurance, is receiving free health care from the Cleveland Clinic via a charitable fund kept by the clinic.
Something else Obama said in Ohio yesterday, even more absurd than the Canfield story:
Now, so let me talk about the third thing, which is my proposal would bring down the cost of health care for families, for businesses, and for the federal government. So Americans buying comparable coverage to what they have today -- I already said this -- would see premiums fall by 14 to 20 percent -- that’s not my numbers, that’s what the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says -- for Americans who get their insurance through the workplace. How many people are getting insurance through their jobs right now? Raise your hands. All right. Well, a lot of those folks, your employer it’s estimated would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent [sic], which means they could give you a raise.
Got that? Vote for ObamaCare, and your employer's premiums would drop by an estimated 3,000 percent!
Here's what that means for me, personally: my boss pays 75 percent of my health insurance. My share comes out to around $30 per month, which makes the total premium about $120 per month for my health insurance. A 3,000 percent reduction in that premium would be $3,600. So what Obama is saying here is that, if ObamaCare passes, not only will I not have to pay for health care anymore, the insurance company will be paying me & my employer over $3,000 each month. Why would anyone ever believe this crap?
It also looks as though someone may have been dragged out of Obama's speech when they voiced opposition - which the president tried to cover by saying that he fainted (this is unconfirmed, but would not surprise me in the least).
Barack Obama is an idiot and a liar. The Democrats have lied & cheated throughout this entire process, and are now looking into criminal action in order to pass the health care takeover. It needs to stop, and it needs to stop now.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
All The News We Want You To Hear
As I sit here this morning, I am astounded at the news coverage that a small anti-insurance protest is getting today. According to one report, protesters number in the hundreds, according to the AP, there are dozens of protesters. For the past several hours, as I listen to the radio, every national news break covers the protests.
Why? Because they are protesting against the "evil" insurance industry.
When hundreds of thousands of people protested across the nation against the health care takeover, I didn't hear this level of coverage.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of the insurance industry, especially not now, as my wife continues to have to talk to our insurance company, trying to keep the process going because they still haven't covered the surgery she had to have back in August.
And I guess this should come as no surprise to me - it's no secret that the mainstream news media leans to the left...but it is annoying, and today I am annoyed.
Why? Because they are protesting against the "evil" insurance industry.
When hundreds of thousands of people protested across the nation against the health care takeover, I didn't hear this level of coverage.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of the insurance industry, especially not now, as my wife continues to have to talk to our insurance company, trying to keep the process going because they still haven't covered the surgery she had to have back in August.
And I guess this should come as no surprise to me - it's no secret that the mainstream news media leans to the left...but it is annoying, and today I am annoyed.
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