First things first: any group that marches in the United States under the flag of any other nation is not okay in my book. That includes the flag of Mexico just as much as the Nazi flag, because if you're an American, then you're not a Mexican anymore. You can be Mexican-American, but if you're a citizen of the United States, then your allegiance should be to the American flag. All of this marching under the Mexican flag just disgusts me. It's revolting, precisely for the reason that many of these marches are being organized by groups for which the symbol of marching under the Mexican flag means something entirely different than it does for the average marcher.
From talking to people and hearing interviews with marchers, it seems that to the average marcher, the flag is a cultural symbol only...and that, on the surface, is okay (though there are some dire sociological implications of the "salad bowl" mentality vs. the traditional "melting pot" - see France for further reference).
For the organizations behind the marches, however, the Mexican flag has more dire implications: it is a symbol of Mexico's eventual takeover of the American Southwest (see previous post for some of the names of these groups). Perhaps the most disturbing fact about these groups is their new (or perhaps only newly known) affiliation with Marxist/Communist/Socialist groups such as the ANSWER Coalition (who also organized the LA protest).
Apparently, they are now trying to organize a boycott/walkout on May 1, calling it "a day without immigrants". May 1...that seems to ring a bell. That's right! May Day! Time for a May Day party!!! (for anyone who doesn't know the significance of May Day, please click the's pretty self-explanatory).
One of the problems I have with these marches is that while the average protestor may have legitimate questions and concerns, the groups behind the marches are either fringe Communist wackos or pro-Mexico, anti-America racist organizations. While these organizations undeniably have the right to protest (except for the illegal immigrants among them, whose civil rights are not guaranteed under the US Constitution), there is absolutely no reason we should listen to them. For one thing, America spent nearly 50 years fighting Communism during the Cold War. Communism has been shown again and again to be ineffective, and while Canada and parts of Europe are still experimenting with socialism, that really isn't going all that well (I find it amusing how socialist nations are said to be the most progressive, yet they routinely restrict the civil rights of their citizens to a much, much higher degree than happens here in the US). As for the racism angle, I see no reason for us to listen to the advice to a bunch of anti-white racists.
The other problem I have with these protests is that we have illegal immigrants demanding rights under the US Constitution...and for many of them, they are rights even citizens aren't guaranteed. For instance, I can't just walk into any hospital emergency room & get medical care on the taxpayer dole. Yet illegal immigrants are marching in the streets, insisting not only that they aren't criminals (hint: criminal=someone who breaks the law...that includes immigration law), but that they are entitled to rights. It's disgusting how the entitlement culture seems to have spread.
Eventually, I fear, these groups will succeed. America is under attack on too many fronts (internal and external) to survive indefinitely. What's more, organizations such as MEChA are very good at putting on fronts: their local organizations seem innocent enough...but the overarching organization has insidious designs on the future of America. Already Congress is in the process of weakening the legislation that is necessary to stop, or at the least slow this onslaught of illegal immigration. Unfortunately, or politicians are more worried about getting re-elected and acquiring more power than they are about doing the right thing...but nothing new there.
Of course, the protestors are learning. In the latest protests, the organizers told people to leave their Mexican flags at home, and they distributed American flags in an attempt to gain traction in the press. It worked, too. I don't know how many times I heard that day about how great the protest looked, with so many American flags flying, and narry a Mexican flag in sight. But while this may make them look better on the surface, the core message and the core beliefs have not changed. It's still the Aztlan movement. It's still anti-white. It's still "this is our land, and we want it back." I don't know how many people they fooled, but I wasn't one of them. It doesn't matter how many American flags they carry; as long as these protests are organized by racists and communists, it doesn't matter what they say, the real agenda shines through brilliantly.
The simple solution: on Monday, May 1, go out and shop. Personally, I plan to buy groceries and gas on May 1, and I may go out and buy a CD or two, or maybe a movie on DVD, just to try and help counteract the protest.
Another solution: I've heard rumors of a proposed walkout/boycott on May 5 (Cinco de Mayo), called "The Day Without Citizens". Basically, this is a counter-protest. The idea: stay home on May 5. Don't go shopping, don't contribute to the economy. This is to be the citizens' protest in favor of strong immigration reform. How much success it will have is still to be determined. May 5 is a Friday, and unless I have some great excuse, I will be going to work, no matter how much I'd like to join this protest, simply because I need the money (this is why conservatives tend to make bad protestors: we live real lives, and real lives can't just be dropped on a dime to go marching out in the streets to protest every little thing). However, I definitely won't be buying anything on May 5 - if I fill up my gas tank & buy groceries on May 1, there will be no need anyway, but I plan to go out of my way to avoid shopping in any form on May 5, and I encourage any legal citizens of America to join me in this. I would even encourage student-citizens to stay away from school on that day, but education is more important than protest. Go to school...but take a sack lunch, and stay away from the soda machines (or whatever they've replaced the soda machines with out here in California with their wacko health laws).
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