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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

McCain Lashes Out

John McCain has been busy - he's been out there criticizing Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson for their stances on immigration.

Now, I'm more apt to agree with Romney or Thompson than with McCain, because both are more conservative. And for McCain to be out there bashing anyone for opposing his immigration bill is, in my opinion, just absurd.

This new bill looks good on the surface, but it's nothing that hasn't been tried before, and it has failed each and ever time it's been tried. One definition of stupidity: trying the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

McCain has accused Romney of flip-flopping, trying to characterize Romney's earlier-stated positions as being in-line with the current proposed immigration legislation. The truth, however, is that McCain (and the article) twists Romney's previous position to make it seem contradictory. Previously, Romney said that we should be getting rid of illegal aliens who came to America and further broke the law, and we should allow illegal aliens who otherwise follow the law to stay and apply for citizenship. That position does not work with the kind of amnesty that McCain's bill offers, so Romney's condemnation of the bill is, in fact, consistent.

The article also tries to imply that Fred Thompson has flip-flopped, because he opposed the current bill, saying that we need to secure the border first, then we can deal with what to do about the millions of illegal immigrants. He is supposedly a flip-flopper because he previously stated that we need "comprehensive immigration reform." To say that this is a contradictory position is stupidity, plain and simple. I happen to agree with Thompson, that the first thing that we need in any comprehensive immigration reform is to secure the border, because without a secure border, there is no way to solve the problem.

The truth is that this new immigration bill looks good on paper, but the American people have seen immigration bills that look good on paper before. The question is not, "does the bill look good?" but is instead, "will the bill be enforced effectively?"

This has been the problem with past immigration reform bills: they look good, but they are never enforced effectively.

To Senator McCain, I would say this: trust has to be earned. You can introduce all of the sweeping immigration bills that you want, but until some action is taken to secure the border, no thinking person will ever take you seriously.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The true face of the Left

Even in the majority, Congressional Democrats have been unable to push as much of their agenda through as they would like. They claim that the '06 election was a mandate on the war, but if so, it was quite a poor mandate, especially demonstrated by the recent vote in the Senate (29-67), rejecting a bill that would force a troop withdraw by March '08.

Now, Nancy Pelosi is actively trying to silence Republicans in the House of Representatives by changing the procedural rules in the House to shut down the floor to the minority. Such a measure has not been instituted since 1822.

This, more than anything else, shows that the Democrats are bankrupt on the issues, and can only succeed by censoring any opposition to their insane socialist ideas.

Proposed Budget: $2.9 Trillion


Haven't we seen our government grow large enough?

Read the story here.

It doesn't get into any details, but there is one key line that just jumps right off of the page:

The Democratic budget promises a balanced federal ledger in five years, but relies on tax revenues generated by the expiration of many of the tax cuts enacted in President Bush's first term.

This, more than anything else, shows that the Democrats have no concept of how about some science?

Democrats claim to be the party of science, and whether the issue is embryonic stem cell research or Intelligent Design theory, they are constantly ripping on Republicans for being anti-science, so you would think that the pro-science Dems would have no problem with the science of economics.

Science has to do with running repeated experiments, and then drawing conclusions based on the results of those experiments. Well, the results are in. From JFK to George W. Bush, every time taxes have been cut, governmental revenue has increased. It happened under John F. Kennedy. It happened under Ronald Reagan. And it has happened under George W. Bush. And conversely, when taxes are raised, revenue goes down.

And with this, another scientific experiment comes to a close, and the results are in:

The Left has absolutely no understanding of simple, historically established economic principles.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell Dies at age 73

Jerry Falwell, a leader among religious conservatives, was discovered unresponsive in his office earlier today. He was rushed to the hospital, where he later died.

The vitriolic hatred for Falwell is already rolling in.

True, Falwell wasn't perfect, and he did say some inappropriate things at times...but how does that make him any different from any other person on the face of the planet? All of this hatred is undeserved, and extremely telling, in the face of his death only a short time ago.

Congress: Less Popular than Bush

For months now, Democrats and leftist pundits have been touting President Bush's low approval ratings, which have been hovering in the 30% area. But now, a new poll by Gallup shows that the approval rating for Congress is actually lower than that of President Bush.

President Bush: steady at 33%, an abysmal approval rating by any account.

Congress: up 4 percentage points from last year, to a high of 29%, still lower than the President.

President Bush has toed the neo-con line on the war, fighting it as politically correct as now he has liberals mad at him for being in the war in the first place, and conservatives mad at him for not fighting to win. He's also ticked off his base when it comes to border enforcement, so no wonder his approval ratings are so low.

But the Democrats in Congress claimed that their victory in the '06 election was a mandate on the war...but instead of acting overtly on that mandate, they have passed non-binding resolutions and played games with funding for the war.

Personally, I think the small rise in Congress' approval rating is a response from anti-war hippies & wackos in support of the Democrats' recent proposed war spending bills...but the reason that Congress' approval rating remains so low is that the majority of America is sick of the political games that we see coming out of Washington every day: manufactured scandals, whether in the form of Scooter Libby or Alberto Gonzales, an out-and-out refusal to secure the border and do something pro-active about illegal immigration, and playing politics with the war instead of fighting to win.

Let's face it: America is a great country. In all of the free world, the United States stands the tallest and proudest in support of freedom...but the leaders of our nation have become our greatest shame.

The people of America are tired of these petty political games. We want action. The United States of America is the greatest nation on the planet, and we want leaders who will reflect that greatness, not diminish it. We want leaders who will make an impact that matters, instead of trying to ban incandescent light bulbs, or packing a war spending bill full of pork. Americans are sick of politicians, and rightly so.

I say we throw the bums out and start about it?