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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Iraqi Insurgents Use Children to Slip Through Checkpoint

Yesterday, Iraqi insurgents used two children to make themselves seem less suspicious, allowing them to get through a military checkpoint in Baghdad. After passing the checkpoint, the insurgents parked the car next to a market, across the street from a school. The adults ran off, leaving the children in the car when it detonated, killing the children and three other civilians, injuring seven more.

This incident makes it ever clearer just how important it is that this insurgency is wiped out. If these insurgents are willing to commit these kinds of inhuman acts under our military's collective nose, the consequences of a premature troop pullout will be unimaginably brutal. As it stands now, the US and Iraqi military forces are slowly but surely wiping out the insurgency, but the truth is that the Iraqi army is not sufficient to combat this problem on their own. If the US military is pulled out, it will be the Killing Fields all over again. In the event of a troop pullout (or "redeployment", if you're a Democrat), the question is not if, but how many Iraqi innocents will be slaughtered.

House Subpoenas Bush Aides

Yesterday, President Bush came out and stated that his administration has the right to replace US attorneys, and that he would oppose any subpoenas for the purpose of a "fishing expedition" by Congress.

Well, the subpoenas have been issued, and the fight is on. But the question is, why are Congressional Democrats choosing this issue for a fight? The law is clear: the President has the right to fire US attorneys at any time, for any reason. When President Clinton became president, he replaced all US attorneys. President Bush did not, but the fact that he has not exercised this power does not mean that it is not still his to exercise. The only possible reason for Congress to pursue this matter so vigorously is the hope that some administration official will misspeak and perjure himself.

This truly is a Constitutional issue; it is a matter of Congress once again trying to take power away from the President - power that Congress has no authority to regulate. I believe that President Bush should take a hard line on this issue, if for no other reason than that Congress has already overstepped its Constitutional bounds too many times, and it is time for a smack-down, to put Congress back in its place.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Gore to get grilled over inconvenient inaccuracies

Global warming activist and former vice-president Al Gore is set to testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and then the Senate Environmental and Public Works committee in the afternoon. The topic: rampant inaccuracies in Gore's recent film An Inconvenient Truth...and Gore is set to get some tough questions.

The inconvenient truth for Gore is that the "scientific consensus" upon which so much of his activism depends simply does not exist. There are many scientists in the United States and across the world who do not buy into the man-made global warming hysteria, and many more who keep their opinions to themselves due to global warming activists' hysterical denunciations of dissenters.

I have yet to hear anything from the mainstream media about Gore's testimony, but it will hopefully be in the news tomorrow. I am eager to hear how this propagandist responds to tough questioning about his out-and-out lies.

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Imams Strike Back

Remember the Imams that made so much noise because they were thrown off of a US Airways plane for acting suspiciously? Well, they're back. Now the Imams are filing a law suit against the airline for religious discrimination. US Airways is standing by their employees, saying that they "acted appropriately," and I agree with them.

Just as US Airways is standing by the actions of their employees, I stand by my past statements, that these Imams were and are involved in a deliberate attempt to soften US security measures toward Muslims, in a calculated effort to make it easier for Muslim terrorists to get onto planes. It is also entirely possible that these Imams were performing a "dry run," essentially a dress-rehearsal for a future terrorist attack.

Either way, this whole thing is a farce on the part of the Imams, and at the least, their lawsuit should be thrown out of would be preferable if they were held on suspicion of terrorist activities and the FBI investigated them, instead of wasting their time on investigating an airline whose employees should be applauded for keeping their passengers safe.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hillary: the JFK of '08?

Hillary Clinton has come out comparing herself to John F. Kennedy. What a joke. She basically said that she, in her campaign, faces the same challenges that JFK faced in his. Why? Because Kennedy was a Catholic, and many were against having a Catholic as president...and because she is a woman, she faces the same kind of opposition.

What a bunch of crap.

I refuse to believe that America is the sexist, racist land that the Left makes it out to be. There are millions of Americans who would have no problem having a woman as their president - they just don't want left-of-left socialist Hillary Clinton as their president. And besides her socialistic tendencies, Hillary, being a Clinton, carries with her so much political baggage that her gender should be the least of her worries coming into the campaign.

In fact, Hillary should be more worried about her voice than her gender. Oftentimes, hearing Hillary talk makes fingernails on a chalkboard seem pleasant. Or how about the multitude of scandals Hilary and her philandering, perjuring former-President husband have been a part of?

Hillary, take some advice: get off your high horse. When it comes to running for president, your gender should be the least of your worries. Your greatest enemies are your politics (which rarely makes sense) and your past (which is rarely free of scandal), and if you lose the election in '08, it will be for those reasons that you were defeated, not because America is populated exclusively by sexist pigs, as you imply.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Ann Coulter says "faggot," Dems seek to put her into rehab.

This past weekend at CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference), Ann Coulter made news (see the video above). Now, the strange thing, as I see it, is how liberals keep on proving Ann Coulter right.

The last time Ann was the subject of this kind of virulent debate was when her last book, Godless was set to come out. In that book, she refered to certain 9/11 widows (the ones who had joined together into a seemingly untouchable political action group) "harpies." Coulter took a lot of flak for that remark, even before the book came out. I, being a fan of Ann Coulter's column and her previous books, was understandibly intrigued, and looked forward eagerly to the book's release. As it turned out, the chapter in which she called these widows "harpies" was a chapter about how liberals put forward victims; people whose credibility is extremely difficult to impeach because to do so would be politically incorrect...and by attacking her so virulently over this comment, they proved her right - and this fact has been borne out again and again, through the 9/11 widows becuase their husbands were killed, Christopher Reeves because he was paralyzed, Michael J. Fox because he has parkinson's (or Hilary Clinton because she's a woman, or Al Sharpton & Jessie Jackson because they're black, et cetera, et cetera).

Now, by crying and whining about her comments at CPAC, the Left is proving Ann right yet again. She said "I think you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,'" and all kinds of people on the Left and the Right have shunned her as if she were a leper or a crack whore, and needed to go into rehab.

Personally, I find Ann Coulter to be a very funny woman. I enjoy her commentary, if only because she tells it like it is without taking everything so seriously. I thought her comment at CPAC was funny, and I'm not sorry she said it, nor will I try to distance myself from her because it was politically incorrect.

Why? Because political correctness was first thought up by the Soviet Union: if you said something that was "politically incorrect," you were either executed, sent to a labor camp, or send to a "reeducation center," depending on the severity of the offense. Anyone who says the Cold War is over is deluding themselves: the war has not ended, it has only been transformed. Instead of fighting Communism in Russia, we are now fighting it within our own borders. The Commie cause has been taken up by the Democrat Party, who seeks to silence any dissent and opposition through the guidelines of political correctness, even while they seek to take control of people's everyday lives through government programs, prohibitive legislation, and Supeme Court opinions.

Keep speaking out, Ann. You will always have at least one supporter in me.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Get ready for some sticker shock...

President Ahmadinejad of Iran has met with King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia. This meeting should make the hair stand up on the backs of the necks of each and every American citizen.

The Iranians and the Venezuelans are already in bed together...if Ahmadinejad can get the Saudis on board, as well, the civilized world's economies are in for a hit, and this time it's not coming from China.

Iran already poses a great threat to the civilized workd, and specifically to the United States. They are one of the primary state sponsors of terrorism in the Middle East - in fact, the current war in Iraq is, in many ways, turning into an action between the US and Iran - Iran has been supporting the Iraqi insurgency with personnel and supplies for a long time now...and while this is just now being addressed directly by the Bush Administration and the media, the problem grows. So many in politics have spoken against taking direct military action against Iran, yet the more time goes on, the more military action becomes a necessity.

If the Iranian government is able to form an alliance with the Saudis, this spells bad news for the West. The Iranians already control a lot of oil...the Suadis even more. Throw in Venezuela, and you've got very bad news for a world economy based on oil.