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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Air America Is Dead

The liberal radio network Air America has finally gone under.  No more stealing the airwaves from minority radio stations, no more liberal blather clogging up the AM dial.

Being from Bakersfield, CA (where we didn't have a local Air America affiliate), I never did get many chances to tune in to Air America, but when I was able, I never was impressed.  First off, when the two biggest names on the network both got their starts as (bad) comedians on Saturday Night Live, you have to figure that the stage is set for dismal failure.  Every time I tuned in (and I was able to catch both Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo's programs), the basic argument was: "Here's what Republican so-and-so said. [Sound byte plays, usually taken out of context.]  Man, that's just stupid!  Can you believe that?"  Logic never entered into the equation...and neither did sufficient advertising revenue, apparently.

Now all we need is for Congress to bring back the Fairness Doctrine - then the liberals won't need to compete in the marketplace in order to bring lame talk radio to airwaves that no one will ever listen to.

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